ZenStone Venture Capital is a San Francisco Bay Area (Silicon Valley) based vertically integrated venture capital firm bridging asian capital and global opportunities with emphasis on north American market.
ZenStone focuses on investing in great entrepreneurs with the combined strength of vision and action, building game-changing companies in massive markets, i.e. real estate, finance, Internet of Things, logistics, enterprise service, and even brand new categories. We typically invest in post seed and early venture stages with an average investment size of $250K per company.
ZenStone believes a new era of technology innovation and business opportunity are emerging, leveraging the massively connected people, connected sensors, connected data, and connected computing infrastructure that were/are being built. This is a revolution in the application layer of technology. This application layer is based upon leveraging the massively connected people, sensors, data, and computing infrastructure to create new applications/demands for both consumers and businesses. As this continues to develop, knowledge capital becomes both extremely relevant and critical to success.
San Francisco Bay Area is the epicenter of a wide variety of major industries including technology, financial services, payments, media, publishing, advertising, retail, fashion, sports, education, healthcare, consumer packaged goods, and entertainment, amongst several others. Hence, San Francisco Bay Area has a vast reserve of knowledge capital that, coupled with business opportunity and venture capital, creates a sort of “witches brew” for a very vibrant technology and startup ecosystem.
Being headquartered and having a deep network here allows us to help companies from across the globe to access customers, partnerships, and distribution.